What Is The Worth of Your Personal Injury Claim?

If you have been injured in an accident and are considering a personal injury claim, one of the first things you will want to do is estimate your damages. Although there is no specific formula for calculating damages in any given case, it’s important to know what to expect when you go to court. In this article, we will discuss the different types of damages available under Georgia law and how those factors can affect an award for pain and suffering and compensation for medical expenses.

Compensatory Damages in Personal Injury Cases

Compensatory damages are awarded to compensate the injured party for their losses. These damages can be tangible, such as money and property, or intangible, such as pain and suffering. Personal injury lawyer in Scarborough knows that there is no cap on compensatory damages in personal injury cases.

Punitive Damages in Personal Injury Cases

Punitive damages are meant to punish the defendant. They’re not awarded in all cases, but they can be a part of a verdict. You’ll need to prove that punitive damages are warranted by the plaintiff and that you’re entitled to them (and not just asking for them).

The fact is that many personal injury plaintiffs never receive any compensation from their case because they don’t have enough evidence or witnesses who can testify about what happened on the day of their accident—or even earlier! If you want your case settled out of court with no risk, then it’s extremely important for you to document everything about how this happened so that there aren’t any questions about whether or not someone else may have caused it as well (which could affect how much money you get).

How Plaintiff’s Actions (or Inaction) Can Affect a Damages Award

If you were partly at fault, your damages may be reduced by some percentage. If you were totally at fault, your damages will be zero. If you weren’t even remotely responsible for causing harm or damage—and this includes cases where someone else was driving their car while distracted and ran into a pedestrian who wasn’t looking where they were going—then there is nothing more that can be done to compensate them for their losses during this time period because they did not contribute anything whatsoever toward causing those injuries or damages themselves!

Damages in personal injury cases are meant to compensate the injured party for their losses.

The award of compensatory damages is intended to make up for any economic, non-economic and non-economic losses that you suffered as a result of the negligence on behalf of another party. Compensatory damages include:

• Medical bills related to your treatment;

• Loss of wages or earning capacity;

• Physical pain and suffering caused by injury; and

• Loss of enjoyment while recovering from your injuries

Damages in personal injury cases are meant to compensate the injured party for their losses. In this article, we’ve explained the different types of damages available in a personal injury case and how those damages are calculated. We’ve also discussed how plaintiff’s actions (or inactions) can affect an award of damages, including how plaintiffs may be able to reduce or waive costs they incurred in order to pursue their case.

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