What Are The Dog Owner’s Responsibilities

The man or woman that has chosen to have a pet canine has also assumed a significant responsibility. He or she could be held liable for any damage that might be caused by the same pet. That would include liability for any injuries, such as those caused by a dog bite.

The extensive scope of that liability

Someone that has chosen to have a pet canine must plan a means for ensuring control of that same animal at all times, and under every set of circumstances. According to the law, a dog’s owner can be made to cover the cost for any damages that the dog caused, even if the owner was not present at the time of the damaging incident.

In other words, a dog’s owner would be foolish to pay just a small amount of money to a child, that was willing to walk the owner’s pet. That child could not control the dog’s actions, if it were to try taking off towards another animal. So, if it were to cause some damage, the owner would be responsible.

The victim of a dog bite must produce the burden of proof.

He or she must show that the dog’s owner had been negligent. Sometimes the victim might be unable to identify the owner.

For instance, suppose that a woman was passing by a building that had a sizable space below it. Suppose, too, that a pregnant canine had chosen to have her puppies in that protected area. She then made a habit of protecting her puppies by running after any passersby.

In other words, the new mother chose to run after the woman that was passing that particular building. Fortunately, she managed to hold off any attack. Still, she wondered why anyone would allow such behavior to go uncontrolled. So, she marched into the building with the space underneath of its bottom floor. There she learned that the users of the building had welcomed the presence of the new mother.

That piece of information was not of much help. It did not reveal the name of the dog’s owner. As a result, the woman could not take any action against the dog’s owner.

In fact, later she discovered that the ability of any victim to sue a known owner could be limited. She discovered that fact, when her son got bit, while conducting a service call at a home that housed a pet canine.

When he sought compensation for his injuries, he encountered a challenge from the owner’s lawyer. That injury lawyer in Etobicoke wanted better proof of the man’s earnings, as the owner of his own business. Eventually, he did manage to obtain a decent compensation.

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